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 Gasping for Oxygen ....

         Whew ! Just today I saw a most short - sighted and stupid act. I saw a number of people - seemed like the local municipal  workers -- hacking down some healthy green trees. Why did I not stop them ? I was travelling in a bus, that's why !

      As I was proceeding homewards,  upset and depressed at this prime example of stupidity,  I began to wonder.  What would happen if there were no trees on earth? An earth without trees? 

        Then I realized that this is merely a hypothetical question - if there were no trees,  we would not be there! But just to imagine it was scary. 

        Many animals would become extinct.  This would disturb the food chain. There would be no rain , and hence very little water. Half the world would perish and the other half would fight for those few lakes with water.  Everybody would have to wear masks,  for there would be only carbon - dioxide and no oxygen.  There would be only concrete structure everywhere,  and people - those  who still survived - would be at loggerheads with each other,  for there would be lack of food , lack of water,  lack of oxygen...... And here we are cutting trees left and right ! When will we learn - we need to plant lakhs of trees,  not cut them ! What do you think ? We start another Chipko movement ?

---- Sakshi Vilas Kakade -XI

1 comment:

peace said...

Nice Article. Thank you so much for sharing your experience.
peace oxygen

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